Monday, December 14, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

"It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistletoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year"

Christmas is my absolute FAVORITE time of the year.
Despite the sometimes gloomy and very cold weather,
there is some warmth that I can never seem to find the rest of the year.
Despite the harshness of finals and the end of another semester,
the world possesses a fresh kind of softness every December.
It seems like everyone gains a refreshed sense of humanity and love for one another.

And, Christmas is almost here! (Only 11 more days)
Finals are almost over! (Evenly though I'm only done with one)
And, I'm almost home! (With a quick detour to Grandma's before I make it back to Missouri)

So why do I think the world suddenly becomes such a better place?
Jesus (Yes, it is the Sunday School answer)
But Love did come down at Christmas, and continues to come down throughout every new year.
I like to think that the first snowfall of the season is our reminder that Love is here,
among us all year round, and it just takes this very special time for us to recognize that.
I'd like to ask those of you that read this blog to take some time to think about this quote:
"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month"
-Harlan Miller
So, my idea is that on the 25th of every month, we open up that Christmas spirit.
What if one the 25th of every month, you did one "random" act of kindness
and spread that Christmas joy and general goodness throughout the whole year?
I might even suggest putting yourself in the Christmas spirit by listening to one Christmas song
on the 25th each month (I think I'll do this)
Just to remind yourself of the love that came to us that first Christmas,
and is always with us.

As for what I've been up to...
I have been fairly busy actually...
Thanksgiving = Home for 4 days
December 4-5 = Christmas at Concorida (Very grateful to Lisa and Grandma for coming!)
December 6-11 = Last week of regular classes
December 10 = Good friend Lucy and I were "Concordia Christmas Elves" by decorating the
dorm doors of some of our friends
December 11 = Meagan and I redid some things in our room (Rachel moved out);
we lowered Rachel's bed to couch level, and began redecorating a little bit
December 12 = Secret Santa Christmas Party and Wisconsin Lutheran High School concert
December 14-18 = Finals Week
December 14= Day I'm writing this blog, and got through my science final (An A I hope!)
Please keep me in your prayers as I finish my first semester at CUW, and as my family and I travel over a very busy CHRISTmas season! Thanks!
Love, C