Sunday, April 11, 2010

O How the Years Go By

"And oh how the years go by
And oh how the love brings tears to my eyes
All through the changes the soul never dies
We fight, we laugh, we cry
As the years go by

We took everything
All our times would bring
In this world of dangers
’cause when your heart is strong
You know you’re not alone
In this world of strangers"

Wow, it has been a while! Quick update:
Christmas break saw me home and in OK for Lauren and Jordy's wedding.. I was a bridesmaid... Good time had by all!
January: Rehearsals for winter band tour (to St. Louis), Clinical hours at Immanuel, Tour to StL, Second Semester Started
February: Second Semester in full swing, planning and rehearsing tons for choir spring tour
March: Spring Break-Choir tour to WI, MN, NE, WY, and CO- Awesome time!
April: Home for Easter w/ Grandma =) .. Got to see Mom, Dad, Angie, AND Sandi.. Peaceful break-up w/ Jon, 19th Birthday last night =) Mom came up to surprise me, Applebees dinner w/ friends here... People I know will always be there for me... Impromptu party at Grandma's friday night w/ Ice Cream Sundaes!

Always Busy, Usually Focused, Sometimes Lazy, Never Alone
Love, C